Tuesday, September 22, 2015



"The Influences of City  Living and Sub-urban Living in the Study Habits 
of  selected Architecture Students in Manila"


This paper will identify the Influences of  city living and sub-urban living in the study habits of selected architecture students. The data gathered here will  form part of the basis of parent’s decision choosing the best residential occupancy for their children  studying in the university built in Manila, be it a temporary home or a permanent one. The significant effects of physical activity that is shown in the survey will also determine where of the two residential occupancies  will best suit for the health and total well-being of these young adults.  The hypothesis that family support system is  a helpful factor in improving study habits is also  partnered with the belief that the right physical activity done in nature places like the sub-urban is necessary to the development of a total human well-being. 


Parenthood especially guiding young adult in their growing years is such a noble role in this life.  In such, careful decisions are made for their residential occupancy whether it’s a temporary of permanent home, in the city or in the sub-urban. 

With the invasion of technological gadgets nowadays, the physical environment  that may affect their study habits and learning development are on the critical row.  The fiber optics and high signals of the internet holds their heads up high.  Studying now requires  less spaces and few drafting tables,  this is not a sign of simplified life for the young adults. This is even more a complicated  issue. Architecture students are commonly known as Visual Learners, They are the people who process information by what they see and think in terms of pictures.  Their exposure to a wide array of both the natural and built environment is still  needing guidance.

Crowding, density and personal space, included in the school environment are ambient conditions, which are the  non-visual qualities of an environment that determine people’s moods and memories. These matters are part of the survey questions conducted to the architecture students respondents.
The result of the survey can be viewed online thru the link provided while a summary were made as Annexes of this paper. Here the respondents exhibited their sensibilities in answering what residential satisfaction means to them. The validation of physical activity  was done as a comparison of how is it when near their  city home  or how is it when near their sub-urban home and the result showed while they need  to be in the city home form some accessibilities,  students values their sub-urban home for what nature offered them.

Literature Review

The  Meaning and Nature of Learning
Norman L. Munn, in the book Psychology, the Fundamentals of Human Adjustment defines learning as a more or les permanent modification of behavior which results from activity, special training and observation. “Learning is a relatively permanent change of behavior as the result of practice – excluding factors like fatique, drugs, adaptation, disease, maturation and physical change” says Ernest R. Hilgard and R. Atkinson in the book, Introduction to Psychology. Ernest C. Edwards in General Psychology refers to learning as a concept describing changes in behavior, which results from reinforced practice.

Encountering Stress in a Changing World
Josefina E. Gaerlan, Delia A. Limpingco and Geraldine E. Tria, in their Psychological Basis of Human Behavior, says that  “young people are also being afflicted with stress, anxiety and depression. Problems with school work, with home and even in the workplace often lead to depression, drug abuse and sometimes, suicide. Various  changes in one’s  life are “ bedrocks of stress” more especially if these changes are “ unexpected, sudden and inescapable”.

Stress  causes inflammation of the cranial meninges of the frontal (facial) area, causing acute neuralgia ( headache). This condition is called migraine and has a serious debilitating effect on stressed individuals. These and other symptoms have been classed under a general term”,  Selye’s  Syndrome,” after Dr. Hans Selye, the physician who first described the effects of mental stress on the body.

Selye found that stress triggered by environmental factors causes extensive repercussions in the internal environment. Vasocontriction, adrenalin production, augmented gastric secretion and contraction, all components of the syndrome, are the body’s defensive preparations against anxiety states.  If anxiety is not lifted, the various organs and glands involved are worked to exhaustion. Before this, psychosomatic symptoms may appear, caused by the excessive secretion of adrenaline or other hormones, or peptic ulcers from gastric acids, etc.

Categories of Fears
In the olden times, people were faced with dangers that were objective, concrete and physical in nature. These were famine, pestilence, thieves and these were something they inevitably have to resolve.
In our modern world, we do not only have to cope with physical dangers like water shortages, electric failures and famine but have to deal with a society that has become depersonalized that many have to deal with anxieties resulting from disrupted social relationships.

Social Fears
These anxieties are often focused on either ourselves or on certain persons in our lives who to our estimate matter much to us – our parents, our bosses, special friend or a classmate. It has been theorized that fears of being liked or disliked,  stem from an inner dislike in ourselves which we fear other people may not like.  The fact is,  a certain amount of fear is necessary as a motivational factor. The resulting tension generates energy that may result in responses that ought however to be channeled to positive in his life.  Studies indicate that many young talented persons who come from low income or impoverished situations do much better in school and become achievers in life.

Jum McFadden in his book, The Fear Action (Servant Bks, Michigan, ’73),  says “ Fear is a matter of nerves, partly a matter of glands and partly a matter of thoughts.” It is necessary therefore that one must get in control of one’s own mind for its lasting value in terms of physical health.  Problems or disappointments we inevitably meet in life should serve not as “roadblocks” but as “ hurdles” we have to surmount if we have to survive. 
Architecture students are commonly known as visual learners. They are the people who process information by what they see and think in terms of pictures.  The physical environment  that may affect their study habits and learning development are crowding, density and personal space. Included in the school environment are ambient conditions, which are the  non-visual qualities of an environment that determine people’s moods and memories.

Effects of Bullying
When students are living away from families, they may lack adult supervision that may result to some bad influences.   One disturbing  bad influences in  studying is bullying. There are predominant instigators  fall into categories such as familial factors, school factors and peer pressure. Children who engage in bullying often experience violence in the home, lack of discipline with specific and consistent consequences and bullying from older siblings or other family members which shows that these children has inadequate social skills.
Crawford, N, (2002),  in the online article : New Ways to Stop Bullying had discussed many factors affecting bullying. Children who are victimized tend to have overprotective parents or teachers, which inhibits their abilities to cope with bullying.  The long-term effects of bullying are children who show low self-esteem   and greater incidence of depression, loneliness, feelings of isolation, anxiety and frequent thoughts about suicide.
Adults who experienced  bullying as children tend to be more susceptible to severe depression, poor interpersonal relationships, misplaced aggressions, academic underachievement and higher predisposition toward suicide. Victims are also more likely to report headaches, which result in poor school attendance and lower grades.

Sick Building Syndrome
 According to US  Environmental  Protection Agency (EPA) Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)  is described in which occupants experienced  acute health and comfort problems that seem linked to the time they spend inside a building but for which no specific illness or cause can be identified.  The researchers also found that higher carbon dioxide levels increased the incidence of headaches, which appeared “to affect human performance during office work by reducing the inclination to exert effort” (Wargocki et al. 1999, 136). These physical afflictions often lead to the manifestations of stress and other psychological ailments. 


The participants in the study conducted are architecture students within the heart of the city. It was participated in by 25 college students, 13 students (54%) studying at Mapua Institute of Technology and 10 students (41%) studying from National University.
About 10 students (41%) are going home to the southern part of Manila like provinces of Batangas, Bicol and other parts of Southern Luzon. In the Northern part of Luzon like Bulacan  and Pampanga, there are 4 (16.7%) , on the Eastern part of Manila like Antipolo and Rizal, there are 2 students (8.3%) and there are 8 students ( 33.3%) who are going home  in other sub-urban areas not indicated in the questionnaire.
2.2.   Data Collection
To gather full information needed, two parts of the survey was conducted. The part  1  focus on  “The Influences of City  living and sub-urban living in the study habits of selected architecture students in Manila” , were the respondents answered questions on the cognitive aspects, their feelings, their apprehensions and their own interpretation of their situation. Their perception on how their living condition affects their study habits. They were also given the chance to share their personal  view on how rate their present homes and made their personal interpretation on what do they think is residential satisfaction for an architecture student.  
The part 2 of the Survey focused on , Validation of the Scale for Evaluation of Environment Perception for Physical Activity in Architecture Student in the University Belt , Manila”  which was an examination of the physical activity involvement of the respondents in city environments and in the sub-urban environment.  In this part 2, the respondent rated their physical activity based on the Brazilian study as reference given for this study titled,  “Validation of the scale for evaluation of environment perception for physical activity practice in adults living in region of low socioeconomic level”
To minimize the no. of pages on this study, the Link is provided herewith to the Online Survey : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1XBSjat_YtwP_A_MbVxf0jMSVhyoOKIUP1GEoqgNStdQ/viewform?c=0&w=1
The Data collection on both was based on the Online Google Survey submitted and with analytics that is automatically generated by the program.

Actual verbal consultations with the prospect   respondents was first done by the writer to know their status and  if their experiences will be a   useful contribution to the formation of the knowledge of the problem.  Two sets of Questionnaires were done. The part 1,  intentionally to get the demographic information   and cognitive aspect of the respondents. The Part 2, to conduct the validation of physical activities as the main concept on the study. A link was sent to the respondents thru email, followed up by personal messages. The respondent after answering the Survey just click the SUBMIT box on the link and the result is forward automatically to the writer.
The survey took around 3 weeks from the last  week of August to the  1st week of September, 2015. The limitations of the Survey lies on the available acquaintances of the writer during the study period who has google or  facebook accounts. 

Data Analysis
The survey indicated that almost 36.4% or 8 students are staying in other residences other than the 5 students (22.7%) who are staying I the rented houses, 3 ( 13.6%) in apartments and 6 ( 27.3% are in the condominiums. While 5 ( 21.7%) are still staying with parents in Manila or their city home, 4 ( 17.4%) are staying only with their siblings and 3 (13%) are staying with their guardians. Astonishing that a many of them around 11 ( 47.8%) are staying with others such as classmates, board mates or dorm mates ( dormitory mates) . The two sensible survey question as to where to they reside in Manila and who are they staying with will dictate later their perception of their personal spaces.


While the Data Analysis above partly shows an evident result of the respondents way of seeing themselves on how their living in the city and living in the sub-urban had influenced their study habits. The Summary below shows the exact responses and ratings on the physical activity both in the city and the sub-urban.
In the Analysis of the Result of Survey Part 2: Examination of the Physical Activity Involvement of the Respondents in City Environment and in the Sub-Urban Environment, let us consider that the respondents here are young adults in the college level, they are at age bracket of 16-22 ,  thus they are healthy and vibrant for any walking distances as mentioned in this study.  In this lifestyle and age, a 30 minutes walk is just their regular walking routine if and only if, the considerations on the road and the vicinity favors safety and health.
Some answers that gets attention is the 95% of yes in the sub-urban dwellers that say that drivers use to stop and let pedestrians cross in the crossroads. There is also a 95% of sub-urban dwellers who answered yes to the questions on the safety of walking or riding a bicycle during night time.
On the over rating of the availability and accessibility of the living environment to the physical activity,  45% of respondents in the sub-urban rated as 100%,  while  respondents in the city only  rated  16% .

In consideration of both the mental, emotional and the physical aspect of living in also, both the city  and the sub-urban,  varied views on how the respondents perceive satisfaction in their  primary territory which is their homes were reflected in the survey result


The perception of residential environment  and physical activity varies depending in many considerations. The meaning of home is highly  subjective and contingent on a person’s personality, age and stage in life, gender and social role, culture and physical influences.
 In this study, having the age bracket of 16-22 as the young adults, and identifying their identity in the society as students and architecture students at that, the qualities and description of what is residential environment and satisfaction is a unique one. The influences of city living and urban living in their study habits lies on their specific need at a given period of time.
Nearness to family members once a student leaves the sub-urban home to go to the city creates loneliness and detachment which will encourage others social support once he/she arrives at the city.  The advantage of having home cooked food and the love and care they achieve when they are in their sub-urban homes gives a strong encouragement to study harder.  In the utility of their life, the city living gives them access to fast internet, accessible printing shops, malls and transportation. 
Self independence and self motivation tests these respondents while living far from their families which at the same time exposes them to vices, bad sleeping habits, procrastination and eating junk foods. Disastrous to health but also a help to their efficiency in accomplishing plates and assignments since nearness to school will not let them travel for hours to the sub-urban.
In the overall perspective of seeing the influences of both living conditions on the selected architecture students, survey results states that self-motivation and personal independence is developed in city living, while their health and need for natural living environment is at stake. Close family ties are a big factor in the improving the study habits and school accomplishment of the architecture students.


2.      J.P. Chaplin, Ph.D., DICTIONARY OF PSYCHOLOGY, Second Revised Edition ( 1985, October) Random House Inc. USA

3.      Dr. Karen Cullen, CHILD PSYCHOLOGY, (2011) Icon Books , UK and USA

4.      Alain de Botton, THE ARCHITECTURE OF HAPPINESS, 1st Edition, (2008, April) First Vintage International, Vintage Books, USA

5.      Tara Bennett-Goleman, EMOTIONAL ALCHEMY, (2001) Three Rivers Press, New York

6.      Josefina E. Gaerlan, Delia A. Limpingco and Geraldine E. Tria, PSYCHOLOGICAL BASIS OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR, 3rd Edition, ( 2017) Ken Incorporated, Quezon City , Philippines

7.      Don Norman, THE DESIGN OF EVERYDAY THINGS, (2013) , Basic Books , USA

8.      Alicia Hernandez-Kahayon and Ma. Rita Teresa Villacarlos-Berba, PSYCHOLOGY TOWARDS A NEW MILLENIUM, (2009) National Bookstore, Philippines

9.      Richard Sennett, THE FALL OF THE PUBLIC MAN, (1976) Penguin Books Ltd, England

1.      Open Science Repository Education, STUDY HABITS AND ATTITUDES: THE ROAD TO ACADAMIC SUCCESS, Retrieved September 5, 2015,   http://www.open-science-repository.com/study-habits-and-attitudes-the-road-to-academic-success.html

2.      Crawford, N, (2002),  NEW WAYS TO STOP BULLYING, APA Monitor on Psychology, Retrieved September 9, 2015 from http://www.apa.org/monitor/oct02/bullying.aspx

Online Articles:
1.      Relationship between Home Environment and Study Habit of Senior Secondary School Students. http://raijmr.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/8_35-39-Dr.-Reena-Rani.pdf

2.      Giniely V. Venturina, FACTORS AFFECTING THE STUDY HABITS OF STUDENTS.  http://udyong.net/teachers-corner/4774-factors-affecting-the-study-habits-of-the-students


4.      Ogbodo, Rosemary Ochanya, PhD, EFFECTIVE STUDY HABITS IN EDUCATION SECTOR: COUNSELING IMPLICATIONS, Zuba, Abuja, Retrieved September 18, 2015 from  http://www.ajol.info/index.php/ejc/article/viewFile/63610/51444

Annexes are provided to show the Summary of the Online Google Survey other than the reader’s Links.  The Data collection on both was based on the Online Google Survey submitted and with analytics that is automatically generated by the program.
ANNEX 1: Summary of the Survey Part 1 : Examination of the Physical Activity Involvement of the Respondents in City Environment and in the Sub-Urban Environment.

ANNEX 2:  Summary of the Survey Part 2 : Validation of the Scale for Evaluation of Environmental Perception for Physical  Activity Practice in Architecture Students in the University Belt, Manila
The Survey Part 1 answers the questions as reference on the Topic: This was done thru a  Google Online Survey  participated in by 25 college students, 13 students (54%) studying at Mapua Institute of Technology and 10 students (41%) studying from National University. The result here is combined with the findings on the Survey Part 2 as reference on the Topic: Validation of the Scale for Evaluation of Environmental Perception for Physical  Activity Practice in Architecture Students in the University Belt, Manila

About 10 students (41%) are going home to the southern part of Manila like provinces of Batangas, Bicol and other parts of Southern Luzon. In the Northern part of Luzon like Bulacan  and Pampanga, there are 4 (16.7%) , on the Eastern part of Manila like Antipolo and Rizal, there are 2 students (8.3%) and there are 8 students ( 33.3%) who are going home  in other sub-urban areas not indicated in the questionnaire.

The survey indicated that almost 36.4% or 8 students are staying in other residences other than the 5 students (22.7%) who are staying I the rented houses, 3 ( 13.6%) in apartments and 6 ( 27.3% are in the condominiums. While 5 ( 21.7%) are still staying with parents in Manila or their city home, 4 ( 17.4%) are staying only with their siblings and 3 (13%) are staying with their guardians. Astonishing that a many of them around 11 ( 47.8%) are staying with others such as classmates, board mates or dorm mates ( dormitory mates) . The two sensible survey question as to where to they reside in Manila and who are they staying with will dictate later their perception of their personal spaces.
The respondents manifested that almost 13 ( 59.1%) of them goes home to their sub-urban homes on a more than a month interval and most likely on a semestral break. A once a week schedule was answered by 5 ( 22.7%) and 2 ( 9.1%) goes home twice a month and 2 ( 9.1%) goes home to the sub-urban homes once a month.

Familiarity of the city home was expressed on the duration of their stay in Manila with 11 students ( 47.8% had been staying for 4 years and above and 10 ( 43.5%) students have been in Manila for 2-3 years. Only 2 ( 8.7%) have been staying in Manila for a year as of the survey date.
The emotional stability of the respondents and response to noise were tested when it  showed that 18 (75%) would like to isolate themselves and go to some quite places when they are situated in a crowded, noisy area in the school. About (12.5%) or 3 students can control their environment and answered, thay can sustain the noise , anyway they also have peace during weekends.  Meanwhile, 2 ( 8.3%) responded that they can join the fun even it’s a bit noisy. One respondent answered  unspecified. 

The question about self-independence showed that  13 (54%) consider their city home as their permanent home and almost 19 (90%) had answered that their situation being away from their family for the whole week made them more independent as a person. Only 2 ( 9.5%) signified that their situation is creating  a problem in their study. This is so because 10 respondents ( 41.7%) considered their city home as complete when it comes to the amenities surrounding them.
When asked to give the 1st Five  amenities  within their residences they would consider necessary as architecture students, their answer were:
1st – internet, 2nd grocery, 3rd  Transportation, 4th Banks and 5th Mall. The Gym and Nature Garden was the 6th, Saloon and Movie House was the 7th . And the swimming amenities got the lowest of their priority  being in the city home.
The respondents answered the question if what made their studying better,  when they are in city homes as follows:
(1).1My city home gave me more time to do my plates. (2). The fact that I had already enough time to study and finish my school works while living in Manila is already a good thing. It helps me a lot to finish my task early and sleep / relax without wasting time in travel hours. (3). Good internet connection, printing shops for architectural sheets, resources like libraries. (4). Made me better because not only become an independent but also you have freedom to work quietly and no distractions like tv and foods lol. (5). Avoiding the routinely heavy traffic towards & away from suburban home. (6). Its near school, have more time to rest and more convenient It will give me more time to do other things .(You got all you need in the city. :) (7). The fast internet. (8).Because we have our own internet in our city home and comfortability with the place. (9)At some point it made me feel better because at this time of life I also need to practice my independency.(10). Living in the city home made my studies better for the reason that every thing you need for school is every where for example are different kinds and sizes of paper, drafting tools, etc. and students here are more competitive.(11). It made my studying better because I am closer to all the resources needed. (12). I've lived in different apartments within the Metro Manila area and it's effects on my study habits vary from each location. (13). City home makes me go near my school.(14). Being in my suburban home make me comfortable; too comfortable. It creates an ambiance suited for resting and leisure. Living in the city lacked this ambiance thus making me more productive. (15).Less distractions .(16). Quiet and can focus to the studies.(17) The proximity from the city home and the school is definitely an advantage to be able to get things done in a short period of time. (18). Everything is more convenient in my city home because there is an easier access to the everyday needs of an architecture student like keeping up with the technology, internet, and shops to buy architectural needs.

The respondents, thru  their own personal statements,  answered the question if what made their studying worse,  when they are in city homes. The answers  are  as follows:
(1). Heavy traffic everyday makes me late on my first morning class, noisy and pollution. (2) Maybe, cause I sleep with no curfew like 4 in the morning.. I learn to vape I learn everything that I cant imagine that I've tried.. But I said I while ago its maybe. (3). Living in the city home made my studies worse for the reason that technologies are every where cellphones, computer or even past time places like malls, parks, this factors tend to reduces my time in studying. (4). There are many malls and leisure places that may distract my attention to studying. (5). Living in the city home made my studying worse because our apartment is too congested to accommodate us. (6). I don’t have a problem studying in the city home.(7) Too comfortable ended up in procrastinating .(8) Lack of supervision. (9).It gets worse because aside from myself no one would prepare my food, usually architecture students would spend time on plates and don’t bother to cook and eat, that's my scenario. (10).The slow internet .(11). A noisy and hot  environment. If I'm studying I like the peace and quite. (12) If there is something that made my studying worse, it is mainly because of the traffic. Instead of you're already at home early and have the time to study, I usually spend my time on the road. Also, the city home is not very healthy if you want to focus because there are so many temptations that will distract me. (13). Its too crowded that you cannot concentrate on your studies. (14) Home sickness / It gets lonely most of the time.(15) It is far from my school and I cannot consider it as an accessible place to live while I am studying here in Manila. It will take 5-6 hours if I am coming from my city home. (16) Its noisy, dirty, and stressful because its a whole different environment for me. Its also dangerous to live in the city because I'm alone and the people are different. (17) It is hard to concentrate because it's a different environment and because I have been living in my provincial home all my life. (18) Living in Tondo, one of the most crowded places in Manila, is really challenging for me. (19).Despite that the city does reach out of all my needs personally and in school, i cannot concentrate due to noise, small place / room for me to work on with my plates. However, it made me become more conscious to time management and flexible in working with current condition or situations.

The respondents,  thru  their own personal statements,  answered the question if what do they think had living in the sub-urban home made their studying better. The answers  are  as follows:
(1). Support from family. (2). External Help from family .(3) I think by living in a sub-urban home, you can be more focused and be more efficient because of the relaxing and soothing nature of a sub-urban home. The greeneries I see around will actually benefit my studying habits. (4) Living in sub-urban makes me feel comfortable and relax to work on with my tasks. It gives me pleasurable environment to work on. (5) Because it gives me more time to take a breath and enjoy the air, i easily forget stress and I easily move forward forgetting unnecessary things happened in school.(6) I have great google my father and opinion of my relatives. (7) The different amenities. (8) More refreshing because its closer to nature. (9)It makes it better to concentrate being at your own home and being surrounded by the people who are constantly there for you. (10) The fresh and calm environment of the sub-urban areas allows me to focus better on studying. A lot less distractions in those places. (11)I can do my plates with my family so that they can help me whenever I have a question. (12) First, its because im with my family and i am provided with everything i need like proper food to eat, comfortable home and faster internet. (12) My parents were also there, I could easily talk to them when Im at my worst with this course. (13) I think studying for this places made me better because of my mothers delicious cook food, i can balance my food intake and lessen the junkfoods. (14) Yes (15) It is a walking distance from my school. Whenever I forgot something, I can easily get it. (16) Living in the sub-urban home will make my studying better because it is my comfort zone and I have my own room.
The respondents,  thru  their own personal statements,  answered the question if what do they think had living in the sub-urban home made their studying worst . The answers  are  as follows:
(1).Sub-urban home made my studying worse because the resources needed are not accessible. (2).Because sub urban makes me feel I'm in vacation days like I don't want to do my homework or plates anymore. (3). In contrast, maybe I'll always depend my decisions in life particularly in my studies with my parents. (4). Studying in sub-urban home my be worse because of connection, i'm not talking about telecom. Companies but connection to the professionals, it is hard for as students to study in sub- urban for the reason that informative material are limited and also the persons like architects are also limited so that we don't have any person to ask..(5).The distance can be a bit harsh because the time taken by travelling so far can eat away the time that you have left for studying. (6) None (7) Internet signal is poor (8).Stress (9) Living in sub-urban home means I have to take more effort in time management since I have to consider my travel time to come home from school and the time I will have to work on with my plates. (10) By living in a sub-urban home, the problem that I think that will make my studying worse is the insufficient resources. You will have limited access to internet and there are only a few shops that will cater for our architectural needs Other than that, I think there are no problems from the studying standpoint. (11) Transportation problem (12)Lack of printing shop and no good internet connection. (13)The lack of amenities. (14)Longer journey when going to a university, low or no internet access and limited to no place for recreational and study stuffs . (15)Its far from school and it takes a lot of my time. Two hour travel time takes 4hrs of your day traveling and its unproductive.

The respondents made their statement as to what they mean by Residential Satisfaction on their at present as Architecture students.

(1).Clean air and quite place to study and near my family. (2) I think it means that you can be comfortable of your house being a home and the environment that surrounds it also feels like home. (3) Comfort zone (4).Residential satisfaction is about being comfortable with your home and having all the things you need. (4) For me, reaching the sweet spot in my residential satisfaction, it must have a consistent internet connection, an up to date PC for my rendering and modeling needs, a comfortable working place, it must also be accessible to shops and groceries to buy my everyday needs. (5). Residential satisfaction is something you can be comfortable with. It is something that will not cause trouble from my study. (6) It means that your home is close enough to give you enough time for studying and relaxing. It also means that you will be able to stay up late without disturbing others in your home. (7) Residential Satisfaction is when you achieved the conformities once you stepped in at home. (8) It is a place where you can do your school works more inspired and comfortable. (9) Its easy to buy things and have nearest area that I can go.  (10).When the place is comfortable, when it rains, we dont need to evacuate because of flood. Security measures and its leisure around can satisfy me. (11). Residential Satisfaction is when every amenity or service within the residence's vicinity satisfies the needs and wants of the resident/s; may it be for the short term or long term basis. (12) Is the Feeling of satisfaction on your living space .(13) Residential Satisfaction not only consider elements of having a satisfactory and comfortable environment to have in homes. Rather, it should also consider the capability of the residence to cope up and provide the needs of the owner psychologically, emotionally, and physically.(14). Home is a place of calm. It is your retreat from an exhausting world. A resting place, free of worry.  Something that you would be glad to return to everyday. That is what makes a place . (15) How satisfied the student in his/her residential house and what surrounds it. (16) Having all the amenities you need to live a happy life.  (16) The feeling of being at home.(17) Residential Satisfaction for me is when you feel the comfort whenever when your at a certain place. You can easily get what you want and everything that you need without giving so much effort. Within a walkable distance from school or work and comfort when studying and resting. (18) Residential satisfaction for an architecture student is comfortability in doing all the works needed and can easily access shops that will suffice all our needs.

-        End   -

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